I would like to add this link to a really useful document that I typically have printed out by my desk
This is from the IBM Wiki
What are the conditional properties in maximo
The following is a list of properties and valid values that can be used in the ‘Configure Conditional Properties’ dialog in application designer.
Control | Property Label | Property ID to Use | Valid Values |
App Bar | None | ||
Attachments | None | ||
Blank Line | None | ||
Button Group | Label | label | Text |
Text Alignment | labelalign | left, center, right | |
Button Alignment | align | left, center, right | |
Show Container? | show | true, false | |
Checkbox | Label | label | Text |
Input Mode | inputmode | Read Only | |
Combo Box | Label | label | Text |
Width | width | Number of Pixels (Default is approx. 120) | |
Input Mode | inputmode | Read Only | |
Data Source | None | ||
Default Value | None | ||
Help Grid | Label | label | Text |
HTML Content | innerhtml | Text, HTML | |
Hyperlink | Label | label | Text |
Text Alignment | align | left, center, right | |
Column | column | Number 1-7 (3 being the center) of the invisible columns available for alignment | |
URL | url | Target URL | |
Image Filename | image | File name in the images file in the path | |
Image Alignment | imagealign | left or right | |
Image | Filename | imagename | File name in the images file in the path |
Height | height | Number of pixels | |
Width | width | Number of pixels | |
Align Image | align | left, center, right | |
Column | column | Number 1-4 of the invisible columns available for alignment | |
Include | None | ||
Listbox | Label | label | Text |
Height | height | Number of pixels | |
Width | width | Number of pixels | |
Input Mode | inputmode | Read Only | |
Menu Bar | Label | label | Text |
Multiline Text Box | Label | label | Text |
Hide Label? | hidelable | true, false | |
Columns | columns | Number of Columns (default is 35) | |
Rows | rows | Number | |
Lookup | lookup | lookupid from lookups.xml | |
Menu Type | menutype | menu id from menus.xml | |
Input Mode | inputmode | Default, Query, Read Only, Required, Password, Password Readonly, Password Required | |
Multipart Text Box | Label | label | Text |
Menu Type | menutype | menu id from menus.xml | |
Lookup | lookup | lookupid from lookups.xml | |
Input Mode | inputmode | Default, Query, Read Only, Required, Password, Password Readonly, Password Required | |
Turn Smart Fill Off? | smartfilloff | true, false | |
GOTO Application | applink | Specify an app name that is a valid value in maxapps.appname. For multiple values, separate them with a comma (no spaces). | |
Lookup for Part 2 | desclookup | lookupid from lookups.xml | |
Input Mode for Part 2 | descinputmode | Default, Query, Read Only, Required, Password, Password Readonly, Password Required | |
Is LD Readonly | longdescreadonly | true, false | |
Parameter Value | None | ||
Parameter Values | None | ||
Pushbutton | Label | label | Text |
Image Filename | image | File name in the images file in the path | |
Default Button? | default | true, false | |
Menu Type | menutype | menu id from menus.xml | |
Radio Button | Label | label | Text |
Radio Button Group | Label | label | Text |
Hide Label? | hidelabel | true, false | |
Button Orientation | orientation | Vertical or Horizontal | |
Text Alignment | align | left, center, right | |
Show Border | border | true, false | |
Input Mode | inputmode | Read Only, Required | |
Section | Label | label | Text |
Show Border? | border | true, false | |
Collapsed? | collapsed | true, false | |
Description | description | Text | |
Input Mode | inputmode | Default, Query, Read Only, Required, Password, Password Readonly, Password Required | |
Section Column | None | ||
Section Header | Label | label | Text |
Section Row | None | ||
Static Text | Label | label | Text |
Text Alignment | align | left, center, right | |
Column | column | Number 1-7 (3 being the center) of the invisible columns available for alignment | |
Span | span | Number that allows static text to span columns | |
Tab | Label | label | Text |
Tab Group | None | ||
Table | Label | label | Text |
Width | width | Number of pixels (default is approx. 1000; min is 400) | |
Description | description | Text | |
Start Empty? | startempty | true, false | |
No Row Message | norowsmsg | Text | |
Filter Expanded? | filterexpanded | true, false | |
Row Details Expanded? | rowdetailsexpanded | true, false | |
Collapsible? | collapsable | true, false | |
Collapsed? | collapsed | true, false | |
Collapsed Empty Label | collapsedemptylabel | Text | |
Collapsed Label | collapsedlabel | Text | |
Parent Empty Label | parentemptylabel | Text | |
Input Mode | inputmode | Default, Query, Read Only, Required, Password, Password Readonly, Password Required | |
Order By | orderby | ASC or DSC and then an attribute name (i.e. ‘ASC ASSETNUM’) | |
Display Rows Per Page | displayrowsperpage | Number | |
Filterable? | filterable | true, false | |
Table Column | Label | label | Text |
CSS Class Name | classname | Class name from the css file | |
Show Filter? | showfilterfield | true, false | |
Filterable? | filterable | true, false | |
Sortable? | sortable | true, false | |
GOTO Application | applink | Specify an app name that is a valid value in maxapps.appname. For multiple values, separate them with a comma (no spaces). | |
Input Mode | inputmode | Default, Query, Read Only, Required, Password, Password Readonly, Password Required | |
Menu Type | menutype | menu id from menus.xml | |
Lookup | lookup | lookupid from lookups.xml | |
Turn Smart Fill Off? | smartfilloff | true, false | |
Is LD Readonly? | longdescreadonly | true, false | |
URL Attribute | urlattribute | URL | |
Text Box | Label | label | Text |
Menu Type | menutype | menu id from menus.xml | |
Lookup | lookup | lookupid from lookups.xml | |
Input Mode | inputmode | Default, Query, Read Only, Required, Password, Password Readonly, Password Required | |
Turn Smart Fill Off? | smartfilloff | true, false | |
Read Only Long Description? | true, false | ||
GOTO Application | applink | Specify an app name that is a valid value in maxapps.appname. For multiple values, separate them with a comma (no spaces). | |
Tree | None | ||
Tree Attribute | None | ||
Tree Node | None |
Label Text Properties
There is a property – ‘labelcss’ – that is not exposed on the Control Properties dialog for any control but can be used by entering it directly in the xml or in a conditional configuration. It can be applied to any control with a ‘label’ property. Multiple valid values can be entered separated by spaces for example ‘txtred txtbold’ to make the text red and bold. Because fo the nature of css files, all values may not render at run time based on how the properties are set in the other css files that cascade to drive the control behavior.
Valid values for labelcss property :
txtbold bold text
txtitalic italic text
txtstrike strike through text
txtuppercase UPPER CASE TEXT
txtlowercase lower case text